The last time a new year’s was anticipated as much as this one was in 1999. Do you remember what that was like as everyone anxiously awaited the new millennium (which, depending on who you ask, didn’t actually happen until 2001)? Or how about the anticipation of the computers crashing all over the world.
With the crazy events of 2020, 2021 has brought back that excitement. What it didn’t bring back, was our youth from 21 years ago! While we did camp with some close friends this year, we were all snuggled into our cozy RV beds well before midnight…
No matter, we definitely made some memories on this trip!

Lake Pleasant Regional Park is home to the 10,000 acre man-made Lake Pleasant. It’s located near Phoenix, AZ and is a very popular place for fishing, boating, kayaking, camping, scuba diving and more.
One thing Lake Pleasant is well known for is their wild burro population. These burros are descended from the burros brought over by the Spaniards in the 1500s. There are currently around 480 wild burros that call Lake Pleasant home. You can often see them on the shores of the lake or hear them braying in the distance.
What isn’t as common, is seeing them hanging out in your camp space! This guy decided to visit and even let us say hello.

He came back for a repeat visit later in the evening.

When not enjoying the wildlife, we were treated with some magnificent views.

And, despite several of us recovering from COVID (but no longer in the contagious phase), we found time to enjoy some of the recreation Lake Pleasant has to offer.