Yellowstone – The Best Science Class Ever!

Yellowstone National Park... If we've learned nothing else on our travels, we have learned that photos…

Ennis & Virginia City, MT – A Whole Lotta History

Many small towns seem to be well known for one thing. Moab is big on mountain…

North Fork – The River of No Return

Some things are happy accidents. When arriving in North Fork, ID, we realized the population is…

Twin Falls – Where Falling is a Sport

Falls have multiple meanings when you visit Twin Falls. From Evel Knievel to base jumping, to…

Boy oh, Boise!

Doing time in Boise included a territorial prison, a ghost town and kayaking the Boise River.

The Highly Recommended Coeur d’Alene

Was Coeur d'Alene everything everyone told us it would be?