Well, HI! I’m Nicole Bandes and I love hiking, history and America so the RV lifestyle suites me perfectly! My hubs, Jeff, loves to solve problems and make his wife happy so, he’s tagging along! These are my journals of our adventures. Feel free to tag along for the ride too!

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Durango and Fun Valley: Long Train Running
This leg of the journey includes some Native American modern art/graffiti, the Durango Silverton Train Ride and one truly incredible man made castle.
Grand Canyon North Rim: Hangin’ With the Neighbors
Our second long trip is underway! Last year, we did 7 weeks mostly in Wisconsin. Check out those posts here. This year, our 5 ½ week trip will keep us…
Kanab, UT – Rallies and Boondocking
From a Grand Design Rally in Kanab, UT to our first time boondockingBoondocking in an RV is when you camp without hookups to el… More.
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