Well, HI! I’m Nicole Bandes and I love hiking, history and America so the RV lifestyle suites me perfectly! My hubs, Jeff, loves to solve problems and make his wife happy so, he’s tagging along! These are my journals of our adventures. Feel free to tag along for the ride too!

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Kartchner Caverns State Park
When you live in Arizona, you tend to stay in AZ for the winter months when the weather is beautiful. This was our second trip this year that kept us…
Colorado: Rocky Mountain High
As we make our way back home, we have a couple of long days ahead of us. First up, approximately 400 miles from Custer, SD to Denver, CO by way…
South Dakota: Where Buffaloes Roam and Skies are Not Cloudy All Day
A palace in South Dakota? Made of… corn? Are you serious??? Jeff was giving me the look of disbelief when I shared with him where our latest stop was going…
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