Well, HI! I’m Nicole Bandes and I love hiking, history and America so the RV lifestyle suites me perfectly! My hubs, Jeff, loves to solve problems and make his wife happy so, he’s tagging along! These are my journals of our adventures. Feel free to tag along for the ride too!

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The Little House on the Prairie
A quick overnight stop in Minneapolis gave us just enough time to take in a Twins game. Fortunately, Rizzo did great in her crate with no concerns whatsoever. Little House…
La Crosse, WI: Brothels and Buck Naked
Our last stop in Wisconsin is bitter sweet. We will be saying goodbye to the Millers at the end of this stay. But La Crosse has some interesting tales to…
Sparta, WI: Quaint? Quirky? or Crazy???
After a very busy 10 days entertaining guests, I was exhausted when we arrived in De Pere (aka Green Bay) WI. For the most part, I kept things low key…
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