Well, HI! I’m Nicole Bandes and I love hiking, history and America so the RV lifestyle suites me perfectly! My hubs, Jeff, loves to solve problems and make his wife happy so, he’s tagging along! These are my journals of our adventures. Feel free to tag along for the ride too!

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Door County: Where Else Can You See Goats on a Restaurant Roof?
Do you love sunrises or sunsets over the water? Maybe you prefer being surrounded by miles and miles of lush forests. Or rolling hills with orchards and corn fields. Door…
The Greatest Places on Earth
Signs in Baraboo, WI claim it to be the Greatest Place on Earth. Considering it’s heritage and association with the Greatest Show on Earth, we can understand why. But first……
Beer, Bikes, Baseball and Bowling
They say 8 days is the sweet spot for vacations. That point where you leave feeling fully rested and aren’t beginning to get homesick or come back to a lot of…
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