Well, HI! I’m Nicole Bandes and I love hiking, history and America so the RV lifestyle suites me perfectly! My hubs, Jeff, loves to solve problems and make his wife happy so, he’s tagging along! These are my journals of our adventures. Feel free to tag along for the ride too!

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Diesel Fuel Card Savings Showdown
TSD vs Mudflap: The diesel fuel savings winner is…
Things We’re Glad We Missed & Things We’re Glad We Didn’t
Our big adventure begins. To date, we have had the rig for just over a year but the longest we’ve gone on a trip is about 7 days. Our latest…
Fool Hollow Campground
We were super excited when the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest was reopened and we got the email that our reservations were still available if we wanted them. With the crazy wildfires…
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